
for some reason, i was absolutely ravenous by the time i left work tonight. the kind of ravenous that demands to be fed, now, not when you get home and lovingly prepare a meal from scratch. plus, Nick's teaching an organ lesson two hours away in Altoona this evening and spending the night at his parents' house, so it's just me and the menagerie.

so i contemplated these facts for about seven seconds before deciding to try out the new bacon habanero ranch quarter pounder at McD's. sad to say, it's a sorry substitute for the Angus mushroom & swiss, but i was most delighted to observe this woman with the best purse i've ever seen. (if you can't tell from the crappy iphone photo, it's a miche bag with an alcohol-themed cover -- shakers, olives, martini glasses and strainers.) i just can't compete with that. to top it off, she then informed her friend that she was on her way to work and "just had a glass of wine". 

yep. you win. 


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