19 weeks!


bump watch: so at my last appointment with the midwife, she said, "any time in the next few weeks, you'll wake up one morning and look pregnant." and she was right.
sweet pea: weighs ten whole ounces and measures 6 1/2 inches long! that moves us right up the produce line-up to a small cantaloupe.  according to the picture, it looks like baby is starting to chub up a little (that makes two of us, kid!). the exciting developmental milestone for this week is ... formation of the ovaries (complete with seven million eggs!) if sweetpea's a girl, and testicular descent if he or she is a he. 

Fetal Development Week 20

best moment: feeling so much kicking! i've felt movement at least once every day this week. sometimes just a single poke, other times a legitimate dance party. still can't feel anything from the outside yet, but it is the best thing ever. it really does feel like something is giving you a gentle tap from the inside, and sometimes it almost tickles. either way, i find myself holding my breath so as not to confuse my own body movements with baby's!

symptoms: definitely not able to bend as easily as i'm used to (and yes, i'm aware this is only the tip of the iceberg). i've taken to just squatting straight down instead of hinging at the middle if i need to pick up something off the floor. 

cravings: herr's baked cheddar and horseradish chips. that bag only lasted 2 days and therefore i refuse to purchase another one for at least a month. so ridiculously good.  

what i miss: going on roller coasters and organ-smashing rides like the Exterminator at Kennywood
looking forward to: our second trimester ultrasound this Saturday! hard to believe it's here already. we're still planning to keep the gender a surprise, and i can't wait to see sweet pea's dance moves in action! 


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