friday faves, vol. 1

just a smattering of goodness from this past week! 

-- this spectacular discussion about purity from one of the funniest and most genuine blogs i've ever read, Jamie the Very Worst Missionary. i've never heard some of the particular points she makes, and they just make sense. 

there's so much more to it than this...

-- starbucks hazelnut macchiatos on a rainy day. i can't explain why they're so delicious. nor can i explain how Very, Very First World i feel going through a starbucks drive-thru. 

-- sangria slushies from pink parsley. i can't even. i mean, literally i can't until November. but when that blessed month rolls around and i can imbibe guilt-free, i'll be whipping out the blender to make these, snow on the ground or not.

-- these mini buckwheat bacon pancakes with bourbon syrup, from the genius mind of Jessica at How Sweet Eats. the buckwheat makes them super healthy, right? 


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