thirty-six weeks!

bump watch: i think the most notable thing this week is the shape of the bump, rather than the size! i've had three chiropractic adjustments over the past week, and as she has more room to move, my belly is shifting around a lot. fun to watch, and although she often settles in an oblique position rather than completely vertical, her head is back down -- wahoo!

little peanut: weighs an estimated 6 pounds, the size of a large cantaloupe. from here on out until delivery, her lungs are continuing to develop and mature, and her brain and neurologic function are maturing.

Fetal Development Week 38

best moment: totally unprompted, Greta started hugging my belly and singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" to her baby sister. so sweet! she's been practicing her big sister skills this week, as we got to meet two babies -- our neighbor's eight-week-old, and Amelia's gorgeous three-month-old! it's so fantastic to see my friends absolutely rock the new mom gig, and so sweet to get a glimpse of Greta in a big sister role.

symptoms: up and down! my back and pelvis feel so much better since i've started seeing the chiropractor (even though i wasn't having significant pain before, i didn't realize how stiff i was getting!). but i'm also running out of steam a lot faster now, and there have been a few times where i wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for a while.

cravings: carbs, carbs, carbs. of both the savory and sweet variety.

what i miss: a full wardrobe of clothes that fit and -- dare i say? -- flatter.
looking forward to: celebrating our sixth anniversary this weekend! we're traveling about an hour and a half away, with plans to visit Fallingwater and the autumn festival at Seven Springs resort.  can't wait to spend some time with just the two of us to reconnect before we officially become a family of four!


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