thirty-seven weeks!

bump watch: i measured 40 weeks at my appointment this morning ... which the midwife assured me is due to the fact that baby girl is still sitting up so high, not that i'm gestating a giant! regardless, the belly is still growing, and i'm starting to bump into things more often (and i keep stumbling over random toys or shoes on the floor because i don't see them by my feet, which is embarrassing. thankfully i'm always able to recover my balance, though not always my dignity!).

little peanut: is considered "early term" now, although she won't hit true full term status until 39 weeks according to the updated guidelines. this week, her fingers are developing more dexterity. from an immunological standpoint, my antibodies are transferring to her, which is especially helpful given that flu season is rapidly approaching.

Fetal Development Week 38

best moment: confirming via ultrasound as well as at my midwife appointment this morning that baby is definitely head down! i've been pretty sure this past week that that was the case, but it's fantastic to know for sure.

however, that good news was followed by a very frustrating development with Highmark, my health insurance. apparently Mercy, where i planned to deliver, is no longer considered in-network for labor and delivery (even though Highmark had previously guaranteed in-network coverage for all prenatal clients whose pregnancies were confirmed prior to the end of June this year). so my options are to pay out-of-network costs at Mercy (not actually an option as i'm sure that would be astronomical); deliver at the Midwife Center (i really feel more comfortable with a hospital birth); or transfer care at 37 weeks to a new provider at an in-network hospital. ridiculous! and the only other in-network hospital with midwifery care is West Penn, and apparently those midwives as a rule are not accepting new patients (although given all this recent insurance kerfluffle, they may make an exception). ugh! i hate the thought of leaving the Midwife Center providers as they are so wonderful, but unless Highmark decides to honor their previous agreement, i guess i will be switching to a provider with privileges at West Penn. i know in the grand scheme of things it will all be fine, but seriously?!

symptoms: a little puffiness in the ankles and hands when it's hot (and it has been unseasonably warm this week, with temperatures into the high 70s and low 80s!). a few more Braxton Hicks. i had a few irregular contractions this weekend after stuffing myself at a Hungarian restaurant buffet (one of the many delicious meals we ate during our anniversary weekend away!), but i think they may have truly been Braxton Hicks that were only painful because i was so full of peppered pork, chicken paprikash, polenta, and pierogies!

cravings: not anything consistently this week, but i have been ravenous! trying to focus on protein-rich meals and snacks, but i feel like i could easily eat every 2-3 hours.

what i miss: at 37 weeks pregnant with Greta, i wrote, "being able to roll over in bed without feeling like i'm making a 15-point turn in a schoolbus." i have to say that my pregnancy pillow makes that endeavor so much easier as i can just scoot myself over and roll without having to reconfigure 6 different pillows! (and oh yes, that pregnancy pillow came along on our anniversary trip... lucky husband!). anyway, right now i miss my pre-pregnancy energy.
looking forward to: meeting this little one ... discovering her personality and how she fits in our family. the carseat is officially installed in the car, which makes it all seem so real. on my to-do list for this week: pack the hospital/birth bag, put together the double stroller, wash a few more hats and clothes ... and figure out exactly where i'm delivering this baby!


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