twenty-four weeks!

bump watch: we're getting to the can't-see-my-toes phase, so that's fun! 
little peanut: weighs one and a half pounds and is eight and a half inches long, the size of an ear of corn! baby's face is fully formed at this point, although those cheeks still have a lot of chubbing up to do. this week marks a milestone in brain development, too -- baby girl can now start to remember sounds or sensations she encounters. pretty crazy. 

Fetal Development Week 25

best moment: getting closer to choosing a name for this little one! we finally agreed on a name that we both like! we'll continue to discuss and see how we feel about it over the next few weeks.

symptoms: more heartburn. and my blood pressure has been a little up (130/80 range). no real cause for concern now, and i'll continue to monitor it at the office once a week in addition to my prenatal checks. 

cravings: i discovered that Target has white cherry ICEEs this week and they are so good and refreshing, especially since the temperatures have been in the 90s. an added bonus? they don't stain your tongue and teeth electric blue or red.

what i miss:  roller coasters! 
looking forward to: our upcoming trip to New York for Nick to play a recital at St. Patrick's Cathedral, followed by a few days in New Orleans visiting friends.  i'm so excited!


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