twelve weeks!

please excuse the picture quality ... i need to up my mirror selfie game!


bump watch: yesterday evening i had to bust out the old hairband-through-the-buttonhole trick to keep my jeans zipped up comfortably. i was fine with them buttoned normally in the morning, but as the day progressed, so did my belly! i definitely think i'm popping out faster than i did with Greta, as is expected with a second pregnancy. 
little peanut: is two and a half inches long, and weighs in at half an ounce -- the size of a kiwi or a large plum! by this week, all the major body systems are in place. in particular, the pituitary gland is producing hormones and the bone marrow is producing white blood cells. even the vocal cords are forming! 

Image result for 12 week pregnancy what to expect

best moment: curling up on the recliner with a bag of popcorn to watch Call the Midwife on Netflix during one of Greta's naps this week. so simple, and so wonderful. 

symptoms: a little less bloating and upset tummy -- i don't need to continuously stuff my face with food to keep the nausea at bay. i keep getting surprised by how tired i am at night, though. apparently that second trimester burst of energy isn't going to come early! 

cravings: mushroom swiss burgers. they're on the menu this week -- my first attempt at making them at home! 

what i miss: sushi. i spent a ridiculous amount of time googling "cooked sushi rolls" and "sushi safe to eat in pregnancy" this week. i do love a good shrimp tempura, and apparently eel (unagi) is always served cooked. i just may have to get takeout this week from one of the good Japanese restaurants near my office! 

looking forward to: my next prenatal appointment, in 10 days! can't wait to hear that little heartbeat again! i'll be flying solo with Greta this time too, so hopefully i can keep her entertained and she doesn't start digging through the trash or something while i'm being examined.  


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