what's saving my life (vol. 4)

1) a revamped running playlist to propel me through my workouts. I was all motivated to begin a regular running routine again in March (eight months postpartum) and then got walloped by Victoria's ear infection, my own stomach bug, Victoria's sleep regression, and (TMI!) two short cycles with more time spent in luteal phase than not (or at least it felt like it -- ugh). all of these combined to leave me just able to muddle through the day without the mental or physical energy to exercise more vigorously. finally in the last few weeks, I've been running more regularly, just a few miles each time but it feels so good! I know enough about my own body to expect that I will probably gain a few pounds as I build muscle, but also will fit better in my clothes. more importantly, I feel so much more calm and balanced when I am running regularly. 

anyway, music is so important to my running routine as it helps keep me motivated. the beat keeps my stride steady while my mind is free to wander, focusing on the lyrics or remembering previous times I've listened to a particular song (bonus points for songs from my high school/college era that featured prominently on road trip mix CDs). the music has to be upbeat and ideally features periodic swells of emotional intensity, or lyrics about overcoming hardship. here's my current playlist! 


2) lighthearted and hilariously unrealistic TV. right now, I need shows that are funny and semi-predictable, nothing dark or suspenseful. current favourites:

Harrison Ford absolutely makes this show. so hysterical.

the whole cast is funny and I love how Maya's character grows as the season progresses

3) finally, a glimpse of sunny, warm days! I know I could bundle up the babies and take them out regularly in cold weather, but I don't. and honestly, we've had so much torrential rain in the past few months that it leaves the ground muddy for days afterwards. so it makes the warm days even more appreciated when they come around. bonus points to Nick who replaced the tubes on the jogging stroller for me so I could take the babies for their first official run in the stroller! (up until now we've just used it at various events.) 

before the inaugural run...

and after! (note: this is always the intended effect of jogging with babies)

Elizabeth was wide awake and ready to explore the small playground, the reward I promised her for sitting in the jogging stroller for 3.1 miles!

4) some dedicated time to declutter and organize various hot spots around the house. I've successfully tackled The Chair in our bedroom (which has become a holding ground for various pillows and blankets) as well as the end of the kitchen counter (which is the default place to put stuff that doesn't have a better home). next up, the closet by the bathroom, which is truly ridiculous. 

okay, so the After picture doesn't hit the same way without a Before picture, but envision piles up to the bottom of the cupboards and stuff spilling out in all directions. trust me... it's a vast improvement

5) young musicians who are passionate about passing on the love of music to people of all ages, but especially to children. all of our girls are regularly exposed to music with a father who is an organist and a mother who can play piano and viola (even if I don't do it often). when Nick invited the older girls to come along with him to an organ recital by social media sensation Anna Lapwood, Cece was immediately interested! I'm sure Nick's description of her as "the Taylor Swift of the organ world" helped to make that decision for her. before the performance, I showed her some of Anna's videos on Instagram and told her that Anna loves when her audience wears sparkles, so Cece carefully curated her outfit. she was so excited to get a picture with Anna after the show. however, we found out from the concert organizer, who happens to be one of Nick's good friends, that the show was completely sold out and only people who had purchased VIP tickets (AKA, not us) were guaranteed to meet Anna afterwards. Cece was still hopeful but understood she might not be able to meet Anna in person.

screenshot from one of Anna's posts inviting the audience to don their sparkliest attire!

before the concert

well, after Anna played an incredible program, Nick and Cece joined the long, long line to greet her. the VIP ticket holders were first, of course. after that, Anna announced that any children in the audience could come to the front of the line, ahead of everyone else! Cece's night was completely made. Anna asked her all about her piano playing and was suitably impressed when Cece told her that we have an organ and a piano in our house. ;) whether or not Cece decides to pursue a career in music like her daddy, I know that this evening will be a touchstone in her musical journey. 

thanks to Nick's friend for snapping this photo -- I was home with the rest of the crew so especially appreciate the extra pictures!

the expression on Nick's face says it all! such a sweet moment.

what's saving your life these days? any favourite workout songs or TV shows? did you have an influential musical experience as a kid?


  1. That pianist looks straight out of a Frozen movie - and how great for Cece to meet someone who will influence her positively the rest of her life.

    As for running music, every time I make a new playlist, I always include Lose It by Eminem...the beat is the perfect running pace!

    1. Isn't she sweet?! I'm impressed with her talent but also her dedication and kindness in sharing her love of music!

      Oh man, Lose It *is* a great running song. I'll have to add that to my list!

  2. What a moment for Cece!!! You're so right - these meetings and moments can be pivotal.

    A good playlist is so critical for running. It's too funny - I also think Lose It is one of the BEST running songs out there!!!

    In university my go-to running song was Stop the Rock. I also find Meghan Trainor beats really great for running.

    I've fit in exactly two outdoor runs and need to do more! I've been doing daily walks and I'm back to daily yoga, so it's a case of having energy to fit it all in. I want to run more frequently this summer but just focus on shorter distances. It's easier on my body, easier to work up to...and takes a lot less time. The last one is kinda the most important ;)

    1. Ha, great minds think alike! All good suggestions for songs.

      Shorter distances are super fun to run especially because then you can push the pace a little, and as you said, it's just easier logistically to fit it all in. I'm contemplating signing up for a fall half marathon but not sure if I could truly train properly for it right now. We shall see...


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