nine months

dear Victoria,

you are busy, busy, busy! crawling around the house, pulling up onto the dishwasher or your car seat or the bouncer, making a beeline for any scrap of paper you see on the floor so you can try to pop it into your mouth before you are intercepted, and babbling up a storm. you love to play with the caps for your bottles, sucking on the rim, rolling them on the ground, and turning them over and over in your little hands. 

you wave probably fifty times a day, always with your right hand -- well, more specifically, your right arm. as soon as I lay you down on the changing table, you start waving vigorously at me. and if we say "hi!" to you, you immediately wave back. you haven't clapped spontaneously yet, but whenever I cover your hands with mine and help you clap, you giggle uproariously. 

you eat just about everything we eat now, and so far you haven't had any reactions or strong dislikes (except for vegetable beef baby food, and who could blame you?). at your nine month well visit, you weighed 17 lbs, and you are wearing 9 month clothes and size 4 diapers. you still haven't worn actual shoes yet! 

this month you celebrated your first Easter. you went in the swing for the first time and tasted your first macaroni and cheese and ham. 

helping look for Easter eggs

this month also heralded your first ear infection, and it was a doozy -- you had a fever for a few days and perforated an eardrum. combined with all your new developmental leaps, that made for a month of very little sleep for you and therefore for mama. for most of the month, you were waking up several times a night needing to be comforted. thankfully, after finishing your antibiotics and solidifying your new skills, you are back to your usual sleep routine -- you typically go to bed around 8 PM and may wake once around 4 or 5 AM, but you usually fall right back to sleep now if I give you your pacifier. thank goodness, because I was starting to lose my mind!  

you love buckles, just like Elizabeth

we love you to the moon and back! here's a clip of some fun moments from this month:


  1. Oh my goodness, it sounds like a ROUGH, sleepless month. But look at how cute!!!! Her little cheeks and toes! And that adorable smile! I loved the waving stage. One of my favorites.

    1. It's really amazing when that switch flips and you realize how much they truly are paying attention and wanting to interact! I love it too.

  2. Who needs shoes? Let the piggie toes breathe! Baby feet are my favorite. She is such a little doll - glad she's sleeping better for you!

    1. Ha! I love that perspective. It's just funny to me because I've kept these monthly logs for my three older girls as babies, too, and the two oldest definitely had all kinds of cute shoes and sandals to go with their outfits at 9 months old. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. Those cheeks! Always those cheeks!
    Ear infections are the worst. Full stop. Ugh. I'm glad you're moving through to the other side and hopefully many sleep-filled nights are ahead <3

    1. Thanks! Last night she woke at 12:45 and then slept the rest of the night through until I woke up at 6:45 to get the older girls on the bus... and I had gone to bed at 10 so even with the interruption it was a much better night overall.

      And yes, her cheeks get kissed probably three thousand times a day. They are perfection!


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