Elizabeth says (vol. 1)

Elizabeth, at 2 years 5 months, is such a hilarious little soul. here are some of her latest quips!

While looking at emojis: "Oh, it's a smiley! Look at him!"

When standing at the top of the steps, asking to be picked up: "Mama carry you? Mama carry you?"

a rare occurrence of drawing with her left hand. still hoping for a lefthanded kiddo like myself (and two of my siblings and my aunt!).

In the ultimate Catholic toddler mash-up: "Itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout. Out came the sun and the Father and the Holy Spirit AMEN!"

She likes to eat "apple jackets" (Apple Jacks) and play with "weeps" (baby wipes). And she loves baby "Bicky" (Victoria) and watching "scoots" (squirrels) out the window!

she insists on wearing these Christmas jammies even when it's 80 degrees out

She asks to use the potty a few times a day and is usually successful. After we empty the bowl from her potty seat into the toilet, she'll flush and wave to the departing contents while exclaiming, "Bye-bye, poot! Bye-bye, poot!" 

(Playing with a felt alphabet set) 

Me: "That's a letter /u/!"

E: "Yeah, that's a letter me!"

"I'm getting a baf!"

related: more funny quotes from Cecilia


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