repost: Pompeii (with Rebecca)

I'm slowly catching up on travelogues from Fall 2019 through Spring 2020. for continuity's sake, the posts are back-dated to stay in order with contemporaneous posts from that timeframe, but I'm also going to be linking them here in real time so they don't get buried in the archives! 

photo credit: Rebecca!

(Naples, day 1 here)

the next day started bright and early with fresh cornetti and fruit dropped off by our AirBnB host, so we could enjoy breakfast on the balcony. pretty incredible weather for late October! 

unfortunately, the next part of the morning was not quite as idyllic. we planned to take the regional train to Pompeii ... and so had pretty much the entire population of Naples. we crammed on the train, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, with sweaty strangers, trying to keep hands on the stroller and wearing our backpacks on the front to discourage pickpockets. with various delays and inexplicable stops along the line, it took over an hour for us to arrive. finally, we arrived at our stop and tumbled out, grateful to be breathing the fresh air! 

fueling up before getting slathered in sunscreen

the entrance to the excavation site

Greta stealing a page from the other tourists' playbook

last year, we had visited the ancient ruins of Ostia Antica near Rome twice (read about it here and here), so I wasn't sure how different Pompeii would be. the answer is: much! it's not only significantly larger, but also better preserved and more developed. the surrounding landscape is stunning, too, with Vesuvius presiding in the background. I'm so glad we didn't attempt a visit here last year, though: it's impossible to take a stroller (just check out those original basalt roads), and both times we went to Ostia last year, Greta declared it her "yuckiest worst place of all". today, however, the girls dubbed themselves explorers, climbed everything they were permitted to climb, and played in the dirt like it was their job. 

Read the rest here!


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