six months


dear Elizabeth,

i so clearly remember the feeling i had when your older sisters turned half a year old: surprise, disbelief, gratitude, and a sudden renewal of determination to enjoy each fleeting phase! you are such a happy baby, and never more so than when you have our attention. you'll sit in your bouncer for a while and whenever we walk past, you kick one leg with gusto and grin up at us with all your might. you had a few fussy nights when you cut your first two teeth (on the bottom), but with a little Tylenol added to your bedtime bottle, we all made it through okay. 

making your turtle face

you are still not a big fan of solid foods, although you appear very interested in what we're eating. maybe that's the problem and you're gunning for burgers and spaghetti instead of applesauce and pureed carrots! you love your bottles and generally drink five 6 oz bottles per day -- and you can hold your bottle all by yourself. 

who's entertaining who?

you are wearing 6 month clothes but could probably fit into some 6-9 and 9 month outfits. you weigh 16 lb 15 oz (67th percentile) and are 26 1/2 inches long (74th percentile). you don't roll much, but you can sit up for a while using your arms to support you like a tripod. sometimes you cup my face in your hands and let out a long string of impassioned syllables, and you especially like to talk during the homilies at church! 

happiest girl!

arts and crafts at daycare!

sitting like a big girl...

...uh oh!

a very happy update from last month is that you had your kidney ultrasound and voiding scan done to rule out structural abnormalities contributing to the UTI. praise God, they were normal, and you haven't had any more issues since then. here you are in the waiting room of Children's Hospital, playing with your fingers (your favourite way to fall asleep). i'm continually impressed with Children's -- the ultrasound room had a projection night light so you could watch the colors, the fluoroscopy room for the voiding scan was painted with bright murals, and they gave you your pacifier dipped in sugar water to suck during the test so you were just as happy as could be.

highlights of this month included Greta's First Holy Communion mass and lots of fun at the party at our house the next day. you also came along for the special mass Daddy played for the Oratorians to celebrate their patronal Feast of St. Philip Neri, and your friend Lucia was there to listen to her daddy sing! such fun! on Memorial Day, you got to play with your friend Sophia. we didn't manage to get a picture in time, but the two of you held hands for a little bit! future BFFs for sure.

my three beautiful girls

Beth and Bet

the back of the church crew

Memorial Day vibes

finally, you experienced what every yinzer baby has on their bucket list and rode the Duquesne Incline for the first time, with Aunt Becca and Uncle Josh. you were mostly interested in chewing on the Ergo and trying to pull off your hat! 

we love you so much, little jellybean! but please, don't let the next six months fly by as fast as the last! 

Greta took this artsy photo!


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