two months

dear Elizabeth,

as i type this, you are sitting in your bouncer watching your older sisters gallivant around the family room. you certainly never lack entertainment when they are around! this month has been more structured and mellow than your first month of life, as we returned to the regular post-holiday routine. the highlight was Auntie Kira's trip back here to finally meet you, since you arrived after she left in December! at last she was able to snuggle you. 

while you are proving to be one of the most serious, solemn babies i have ever met, this month you did start smiling when you deign to do it. our best chances of catching a smile are right after you eat, and whenever your sisters are talking to you. and whenever you do smile, we just melt! most of the time you're quiet, but you have also started cooing to us, which is the cutest thing ever. last night you even let out a laughing shriek that startled both of us! you love to look outside at the snow in the yard, and you kick and wave your arms at your musical mobile. 

you eat every three to four hours during the day now, and typically wake up only once per night to eat. i haven't started a scheduled bedtime with you yet, so you eat somewhere between 9:30 and 11 PM and then sleep until the wee hours (usually until around 4 AM). you now prefer the transitional swaddles that allow your arms to move a bit more, and for your daytime naps i usually just swaddle you lightly in a muslin blanket. for the most part you're a good sleeper and can usually fall asleep on your own after some cuddles and a song (you often coo back at me while i'm singing, which melts my heart). then of course there are times when you're restless and need more snuggles. in the moment, of course i wish you would just go to sleep, but i am just so grateful that you are here after years of praying for you! 

looking just like your oldest sister in the beautiful hat and blanket
from our dear friend Steph!

at your two-month checkup today, you made Mommy very happy by weighing in at 11 lbs 4 oz (60th percentile, up from 32nd percentile last month) and measuring 23.75 inches long (90th percentile, up from 60th percentile last month). you can tell just by looking at you (and your thighs) that you're certainly not wasting away. a few weeks ago you grew out of the 0-3 month clothes into the 3 month size, and i think you'll be into 3-6 months before much longer. every roll on your wrists and thighs is so delightful! keep growing, baby girl! we love you! 

a slightly creepy moment on the baby monitor 

baby's first filter (while video chatting with Daddy out of town for work)

a classic Elizabeth face


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