words of the week

 i just love words. big ones, small ones, long ones, short ones; words that sound like what they mean and ones that sound exactly opposite (like pulchritude). i especially love words that succinctly describe a complex concept. for years, i've jotted down words that struck my fancy, and thanks to the magic of Canva's free design software, i bring you the first batch of words to enrich your day! 

Caravaggio's brush deftly portrays the glaucous grapes and shiny apples.

With an avuncular grin, he produced a quarter from behind her ear. 

Their bibulous laughter floated down from the rooftop bar.

The fricative sound of the sprinkler, gentle song of the windchimes, and occasional
whine of a mosquito lulled her into a summer afternoon trance.

That otiose tradition tradition dates back to the fifteenth century.

The panegyric strained the limits of the audience's attention. 

The stern faces of the caryatids gazed out over the piazza.

linking up with Rosie here


  1. These are so fun! I think "avuncular" is my favorite :)

  2. ooh these are fun! My 2 favorite words are "Petrichor: the smell of dust after it rains" and "defenestration: the act of throwing out of a window"

  3. I'd actually heard of "fricative" due to taking Linguistics for me English major in college, but the rest of these were new to me! I love "avuncular" and "glacuous" (though my autocorrect hates the latter one).


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