thirty-four weeks!
bump watch: annnnd there's definitely been another growth spurt this week! baby girl is a little lower too, which has made things ... uncomfortable , to put it discreetly. my only hope is that this means she'll be making her grand entrance sooner than her big sister did (at 10 days past due), but i'm not holding my breath! little peanut: is the size of a pineapple -- weighing in at around 5 lbs and measuring about 19 inches long. her lungs are continuing to develop, and as she grows, there's less amniotic fluid surrounding her, so it's a little easier to distinguish her movements. in particular, i keep feeling (and seeing!) the bottom of her little foot poke out on the left side of my belly. so cute! image credit from W hat to Expect When You're Expecting best moment: my thoughtful coworkers threw a sweet shower for me at work this week! it was a complete surprise, and it was so much fun to celebrate this little one. they all pitc...