
Showing posts from August, 2016

twenty-nine & thirty weeks!

bump watch: curious to see how my belly will measure at my appointment tomorrow, since i was already measuring 30 weeks at my 28 week visit! my belly is still growing, but i haven't noticed the same major growth spurt that i had between weeks 26-28. baby is dancing and jiving, which makes for some entertaining undulations. little peanut:  weighs 3.1 pounds and is 17 inches long, the size of a butternut squash.  baby girl's brain is developing folds and wrinkles this week, to maximize surface area and make all those synapses possible! she's also developing fingernails. and this week, she's finally reached newborn proportions (instead of her head being huge compared to the rest of her body). image credit from  W hat to Expect When You're Expecting best moment:  i had a serendipitous moment at my favourite kids' consignment store yesterday. i stopped in to see if they had the Joovy double stroller i want, which they didn't, but t...

twenty-eight weeks!

bump watch: baby girl has had a growth spurt over the last few weeks! and it's not just my imagination -- she measured 2 weeks ahead at my appointment this morning. i'm already starting to stretch the limits of some of my maternity shirts, and we have a loooong way to go! little peanut:  is the size of a cabbage -- 2.5 pounds and 16 inches long. the most amazing brain development this week is that baby can now dream! i wonder what goes through her little head when she sleeps. she's also practicing blinking. image credit from  W hat to Expect When You're Expecting best moment:  so many great things this week! Greta went to her Sibling Class at the hospital this weekend and loved taking a tour of the delivery unit and seeing a real baby in the nursery. afterwards she told me her favourite part of the class was "the movie" (they showed a DVD of kids interacting with their new baby siblings) and the snacks ("banilla pudding"). the b...

twenty-seven weeks!

   bump watch:  i'm starting to bump into things, if that's any indication of how things are growing. (no pun intended.) and it's getting a little tougher to haul myself up out of bed, especially since that entails crawling over my beloved pregnancy pillow!  little peanut:  is as long as a cucumber at 15 inches from head to foot, and weighs 2 lbs 2 ounces. baby's tastebuds are developing so that she can taste the difference when i eat a salad (last night) versus a quarter pounder with cheese (today). just this week she's started to push her back up against one side of my belly, which feels exactly like a Braxton Hicks contraction except that it only involves one side! so bizarre, but awesome that she is getting so strong!  image credit from  What to Expect When You're Expecting best moment:  passing my 1 hour glucose tolerance test! with Greta, i failed the 1 hour test by a few points and then passed the 3 hour. this ...

twenty-five & twenty-six weeks!

bump watch: i cannot believe how much my belly has grown over the past 2 weeks! the even crazier thing is that my weight has stayed stable (up 20 pounds at 24 weeks and holding steady -- in the second trimester i've tended to gain a few pounds one week and then plateau for the next few weeks). i'm able to distinguish baby's head, butt, and back now, which is fun! she's still flipping all over the place and doesn't seem to prefer one side of my belly over the other (as opposed to her sister, who was always hanging out on the right!).  little peanut: baby girl has grown from the size of a rutabaga (1 1/2 pounds) at 25 weeks to the size of an eggplant (two full pounds) at 26 weeks. this week's big accomplishment is opening those eyes! baby's brain is also developed enough to respond to sounds or bright lights with increased activity and pulse. and she's more coordinated, able to play with her toes or grasp the umbilical cord.  image credit...