ten weeks!

bump watch: still mostly bloat, but it's getting more uncomfortable to curl up in the recliner (my favourite reading position). i can still lie on my stomach. poor Greta will have a rude awakening when that can't happen anymore, since she loves to tell me "roll over, Mama! close your eyes and go to sleep!" and then pat my back. i'll be pretty sad when those days are over, too! 
little peanut: is an inch-and-a-half long, which bumps us up to prune-sized! elbows are now formed and those little legs have indentations where the knees will be. (incidentally, knee caps don't form until children are between two to five years old.) looking at the picture below, i can't believe how much changes in a week! looking a little less alien and a little more like a bebe!
Fetal Development Week 10

best moment: i had an emotional mommy moment the other day in the car. Greta was tired after an exciting weekend at Pappy and Nana's, and slept the first hour of our drive home. then she woke up and was whimpering to herself in the carseat, so i started to sing to her: "You Are My Sunshine", "Rock-A-Bye Baby", "All the Pretty Little Horses". and even though i know he or she can't hear me yet, i was singing to Little Peanut too. 

symptoms: all over the place! i feel more energized during the day, and then hit the wall hard in the evening. the nausea has been better and i'm not as hungry all the time, except that i had the worst nausea of my pregnancy to date yesterday. still no sickness (knock on wood!). thank goodness for the chewy ginger candies Amelia sent me! they are miracle workers! 

cravings: sour cream and onion dip. seriously, i could eat it with a spoon. but i've restrained myself so far. 

what i miss: the energy i had pre-pregnancy to keep up the laundry, cleaning, and ironing. i'm so grateful to be working part time, so i can catch up with things around the house on my days off. or, you know, just sit on the couch and let Greta watch Daniel Tiger on Netflix, or play grocery store with her own babies. 
looking forward to: feeling the first flutters and kicks! i'm sure it won't be for another 6-7 weeks or so (i felt Greta for the first time at 17 weeks), but i can't wait! 


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