38 weeks!

bump watch: i don't think sweetpea has fully dropped yet, but the bump definitely looks a little lower this week. things are moving the right direction! 

sweet pea: is the size of ... A BABY!!! thanks to the hilarious Amy at pregnant chicken for pointing out that at this stage of development, the produce comparisons are pretty useless. the midwives estimate that our particular baby weighs about 7 pounds now, and are predicting an 8 pound birth weight if baby comes near the due date (only 14 days to go!). i'll be curious to see if they're right, since birth weight predictions made by ultrasound are notoriously inaccurate, but they are basing their estimate off of direct palpation. 

Fetal Development Week 39

best moment: this is long overdue, but at the end of september, Sabrina and Becca threw the most adorable Sweet Pea-themed shower! every detail was planned out, from the cupcakes decorated with little sweet peas, the decorations, green deviled eggs, and packets of sweet pea seeds for favors. and they included one of my favourite baby shower activities -- having guests write funny or encouraging messages in Sharpie on disposable diapers! best of all, i was able to spend time with family and friends, some of whom i hadn't seen since we moved back to Pittsburgh two years ago. 

love this family, craziness and all! 

symptoms: a little more aching in my lower abdomen, especially when i first stand up after sitting a while. intermittent numbness in my left hand depending on how i sleep. and as much as i can't wait to meet our Sweetpea, i'm selfishly treasuring these last days of just me-and-Nick. 

cravings: heath bar ice cream. although i can't really relate that to pregnancy, since it's been a favourite since about age 7. 

what i miss: my ankles! although i have been quite impressed with the Futuro compression dress socks i bought last week. they're like an all-day massage for the lower leg, and they look just like normal women's trouser socks. by the end of the day, though, some puff is bound to set in. 
looking forward to: mom's arrival next week. so glad she will be here to help us prepare for and welcome Sweetpea! 


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