
Showing posts from September, 2024

Geigerpalooza 2024 {Part 3: I'm on a Boat!}

one of the most fun days of our trip was the day my aunt and uncle generously took us out on their boat around Lake Union and Lake Washington. they are both recently retired and making the most of it! we planned two excursions, a shorter trip around Lake Union with the toddlers, and a longer trip out to Lake Washington with the older kids and siblings. lucky me, I got to go on both trips ;) when my aunt initially reached out to offer this as an option during our visit, I immediately thought it would be a lot of fun. and it absolutely exceeded my expectations!  the first ride was about 45 minutes to an hour around Lake Union. Elizabeth was a little unsure about the whole situation, especially once the boat started going faster and there was a breeze in her face (and towards the end, when my uncle asked about revving the motor for the boat to go fast for a little bit, I said she'd be okay and she was not -- but quickly recovered). but she was very excited about riding on a boat, and ...


  September has always been my favourite month, and I'm sure a large part of that has to do with the fact that it's my birthday month (along with a not insignificant number of other people)! I love September weather -- the tide of temperature climbs from cool mornings to hot afternoons and then recedes to pleasant evenings, and darkness falls at a civilized hour (7:30 p.m. around here). and of course, school starting again was a huge landmark in my year as a child, and now again as my own kids are starting school. I welcomed it for myself and now I welcome it for them ;)  this year, Nick gave me my birthday present early, on Friday (two days before my birthday). I had picked up Caliente pizza for dinner using a birthday reward for a free medium one-topping pizza -- I chose pickles! -- and of course we got another cheese pizza for the kids. after dinner he asked in a somewhat leading way if I wanted to have a campfire and make s'mores. when I came out to the yard, he had set...