it's the hard knock life!
Greta is just right of center in the gray apron and brown boots last weekend, Greta performed in her first-ever musical, the school performance of Annie Jr! she had been eagerly biding her time until she was old enough to participate -- the cast is exclusively 4th through 8th graders, and we have been so impressed by the previous years' productions (The Music Man Jr and The Sound of Music Jr). musical theater is in her blood: my sister Kira is a working actor with a musical theater degree, and my aunt just retired after a career of teaching middle school chorus and is still actively involved with her local musical theater community. both of them helped Greta prepare for her audition and I know their coaching not only improved the technical aspects of her audition, but also helped her feel confident and mentally prepared! for previous shows, the 4th grade participants have almost exclusively been part of the ensemble, with named character roles going to the older kids. this year, t...