what's saving my life right now
to borrow a phrase from one of my favourite podcasters, Kendra Adachi from the Lazy Genius Collective, here are some things that are saving my life right now! I'd absolutely love to hear yours. we can all use some more genius moments in our days! 1) the OXO grape cutter . this was a gift from Cecilia's godparents when Elizabeth was born, and it is such a game-changer for the one- to four-year-old crowd. not only does it quarter 2 grapes and cherry tomatoes in half the time it would take to quarter one using a knife, it's also actually quite fun and satisfying to see the perfect fourths shoot out onto the plate. 2) the Libby app . these days, I'm using my library card predominantly to borrow e-books and digital audiobooks. I used to go to the library website on my phone, search through the catalog, download what I wanted and then follow the links to download books to my Kindle app and audiobooks to Overdrive. now I can do everything directly through Libby, including l...