30 Before 30 - Part 4

{back to part one } {back to part two } {back to part three } 21) Eat caviar - 8/30/2015 i'm not quite sure how i expected caviar to taste, but it was definitely fishier than i anticipated. and i do like seafood, but it was just overpowering. a few teaspoons spread on a triscuit was about all i could handle. this ranked right up there with coconut oil in coffee as an experience i won't be repeating! 22) Get blog up-to-date - 9/4/2015 well, it was nice while it lasted! every few months i go through a period of quasi-writer's block, where i just don't feel that inspired to write, or when i do try, the sentences come out all stiff and bland and and inarticulate. so instead of spending my free time blogging, i read other blogs voraciously, or peruse Facebook, or clean the house while listening to podcasts, or read library books on my Kindle, or watch Parenthood on Netflix. but i really do want to keep writing more cons...