October highlights {toddler cuteness, Hallowboo, ladies night out, organ dedication, Halloween, bonus round}
1) toddler cuteness. the babies are more accurately described as the toddlers now, but I think they'll probably always be "the babies" to us even when they're teenagers. I keep saying that they're at such a fun age together (even when the fun turns into mischief) but this time I really mean it! if the shoe fits? Elizabeth loves folding laundry and can actually fold towels, washcloths, and pants correctly. this was her first self-directed attempt. that dress is not meant to be one-shouldered, by the way! homework time (yes! E is left-handed, like her mother! my only left-handed child so far) the new daycare arranged a family field trip to the local volunteer fire department and they had a blast! fun during basketball practice "it's a balloon!" 2) Hallowboo. we hadn't purchased this year's Halloween costumes yet but the weather was going to perfect and Nick had the day off, so we seized the opportunity to go to the Halloween fest at Idlewil...