hips and rhinos and spines, oh my!
suffice it to say, we are becoming quite well acquainted with the orthopedic department at Children's! at Greta's well visit last month, our pediatrician found a subtle but noticeable asymmetry during the forward bend test to check her spine. she reassured us that it could just be the result of muscle tightness or a slight shift in position, but ordered a spine x-ray series to check for scoliosis. a few days later, we went to the satellite outpatient Children's center for the x-rays (as well as a screening cholesterol panel which is apparently routine now to check at age 9? who knew!). after the x-rays were done, the radiology tech showed us the images on her screen. we both laughed at how our eyes immediately picked out the stud earrings in her ears :) but then, turning our attention to the spine, we could also see a very slight C curve in the thoracic spine between the shoulder blades. on the formal radiologist report, the curve was measured at 10 degrees, which is just a...