eleven months
dear Elizabeth, you are certainly a busy girl! you crawl everywhere now and are pulling up to stand. the first time i found you standing at your play table, I assumed your older sisters had helped you but they assured me you did it all by yourself! you are very interested in everything that is not a toy, like the DVDs in the rack next to the TV, the magnets on the fridge, the art supplies in the cabinet, empty boxes, the robot vacuum, and Tupperware containers -- and last but not least, the electrical outlets. when Greta and Cecilia were babies, I dutifully plugged up each receptacle with an outlet cover, and I don't remember them ever being remotely interested in them. however, you make a beeline right for the outlets and sometimes try to pry the covers off with your tiny fingers! you do love your toy camera and crinkle books, although I have to watch you like a hawk with the lift-the-flap books because you love to yank the flaps off. baby in a dirndl! laughing uproariousl...