eight months
dear Elizabeth, as you grow, you continue to be as cute and squishable as ever, but you are becoming even more fun to play with! this month you started doing the "mad dog", sniffing in and blowing out through your nose very loudly, to the amusement of anyone who happens to be within ear shot. you definitely know how to get a reaction out of your sisters, and it's impossible not to smile back at your crinkle-nosed smile! i think you are learning how to wave, but it may be a bit of a stretch at this point. i've been doing the signs for "please", "more" and "all done" with you and you giggle as i move your hands into the proper position. playing while your older sisters are at gymnastics you still hate purees and being spoonfed, but you have chowed down on all sorts of things this month: macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, tiny pieces of meatball, scrambled eggs, peaches, banana, watermelon, baked fish, Cheerios, peanut butter smeared on teethi...