
Showing posts from May, 2022

five months

  dearest elizabeth, what a month this has been! you continue to delight us with your calm, cheerful little self. you recently learned how to blow raspberries and happily perform this trick to the uproarious laughter of your older sisters. meanwhile, your new developmental milestone of transferring a toy from one hand to the other may not get as much immediate positive feedback, but your mama notices and is proud of you each time you do it! you also love to play with your fingers as you fall asleep, gently curling and uncurling them in front of your face -- sweet, silly girl.  we've been getting some more belly laughs out of you this month, usually if Daddy is tossing you in the air or if your older sisters are talking to you. you still love to play pat-a-cake and you are becoming more interested in books. the girls call you Ellie and Lizzie and marvel over your chubby cheeks and "fluffy" arms and legs (their word!). you are well into 6 month clothes. at your 4 month chec...