
Showing posts from March, 2022

three months

  dear elizabeth, where, oh, where did your newborn self go? you are so alert and aware of your surroundings now! i hesitate to jinx us by writing this down, but you are a great sleeper and sometimes i think you develop new skills overnight. you love to swat at the toys on the new space-themed playmat we got from a neighbor (thanks to our Buy Nothing group) and you hold onto your Sophie giraffe for a few seconds at a time. you are tolerating more tummy time. i think you'll be rolling from tummy to back soon -- you almost did it today during our little photo shoot! but you still protest after a while and need to be rescued.  "what do you mean, this is good for me?" you typically nurse or drink a 4 oz bottle every three to four hours during the day. at night, you'll go for an 8 or sometimes 9 (!) hour stretch. i'm sure that won't last through the dreaded four-month sleep regression, but for now, i am loving it! for your naps, you definitely prefer to be in your ...