
Showing posts from December, 2016

one month

dear cecilia, how can it already have been a month since you were born? the days have absolutely flown by. you are possibly the easiest baby ever -- it's like you read the textbook. you nurse like a champ, every 3 hours during the day, and by this point you sleep for 5-7 hours at night before nursing and then sleeping again for another 2 hours. and you're efficient -- it only takes you about ten to fifteen minutes to eat. you make it easy on me, kiddo! you typically take your late afternoon nap in the bouncer on the kitchen counter while we eat dinner, but otherwise you sleep in your swaddle blanket in the cosleeper in our room. you love your pacifier and sometimes suck your fingers too. you rarely fuss -- typically just when you're hungry, or need your diaper changed, or when you're tired, and you're easily soothed. sometimes it does take you a while to fall asleep on your own, but once you're asleep you'll typically sleep for at least 1 1/2 hours....

hello, little peanut!

and... she's here!! our baby girl made a very dramatic entrance on Friday, November 11. and i'm still in disbelief over how it all happened! our little peanut was due on Tuesday, November 8. Mom arrived the night before, with plans to stay for two weeks. Tuesday and Wednesday came and went without much fanfare. i was still working my usual Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule. on Thursday, i had an appointment at the midwife center, where i learned that my cervix was still closed. i was hoping to have dilated at least a little bit, so at that point i figured we would just be waiting it out until my scheduled induction the following Tuesday. Friday dawned clear and cold, and i headed off to work at Mercy while Mom watched Greta at home. the whole day on Friday i had just a few painless Braxton Hicks contractions. i finished up with work around 4:45 pm and headed to the chiropractor for another adjustment. he did some work on my pelvic muscles and ligaments, and gen...