five months
dear Sweetpea, what excitement we've had since the last update! the highlight of this month was definitely your Grammy Kim and Auntie Krista coming to visit (part of a whirlwind trip to see your Uncle John in Colorado and Auntie Kira in North Carolina). i had lots of plans for sightseeing, like a trip to the zoo, the aviary, and Phipps Conservatory, but it turns out that just relaxing at home was the perfect way to spend time together. you loved bouncing up and down on Grammy's lap while she sang "Trot, Trot to Boston", and you grabbed onto Auntie Krista's long hair and showed her all your toys. we wish they didn't live so far away, but we're lucky enough to be flying out to Seattle next month to see the whole Geiger gang, so it wasn't as hard to say goodbye this time. you're getting closer and closer to sitting up on your own, although you have a tendency to slooooowly do a perfect forward fold until your nose is touching your toes...