
Showing posts from May, 2013

14 weeks!

please excuse the few-week hiatus! we just returned from a jaunt through Belgium, the Netherlands and France - pictures to come (including those weekly updates which I know you all sorely missed)!         bump watch: well folks, i think the belly has popped. the above photo was taken after i had stuffed myself at our end-of-the-year choir BBQ, so i was attributing some of it to food baby, but that bump hasn't gone anywhere yet as evidenced by my side-zip dress pants no longer quite zipping all the way up the side even if i "suck in" as much as possible. thank goodness it's warm enough for dresses! sweet pea:  is four and a half inches long and weighs in at two ounces. apparently, this equates to a large navel orange (and i suppose explains the belly!). baby is moving frequently now, although i probably won't be able to feel it for another month. milestones for this week: "practice breathing" and ears that have finally reached their f...